Acrylic painting: Pondering Fairy (process)
Hello everyone, in today’s blog post I’d like to show you the process of creating my recent Pondering Fairy painting 🙂 First of all, it was made using November 2021 Paletteful Packs supplies – you can read more about them here. The tools I used: Standard Series Acrylics General Selection Set 6 × 20 ml POSCA Paint Marker, Extra-Fine Bullet – Violet Robert Simmons Sapphire Sable-Synthetic Blend Brush Art Alternatives Artist Palette Knife Crescent Canvas Textured Boards – 8″ x 10″ I started the process by looking for inspiration – I googled fairies and fairy aesthetics. I really wanted some iridescent and close to transparent looking wings, so googled those too. I noticed fairies often are surrounded by toadstools and I found some beautiful pictures of them that gave me an idea about the colours and general setting of the image. What was left to figure out was a pose for the fairy and…
Paletteful Packs – December 2021
My December Pack has finally arrived! It took even longer than usually, but it’s most probably because of Christmas fever and a lot of work in all kinds of courier and postal services. I’m just happy I got it before Christmas 🙂 What is Paletteful Packs?ContentsPricesSuppliesPrompts Contents This time there isn’t many various supplies in the box, it’s mostly 9 markers altogether, 2 brands though. Copic Sketch markers x 5 Marabu Graphix Sketch Markers x 3 Alcohol Black Marker Winsor Newton Fineliners – Gray 0.1 Marabu Marker Pad (8.3″ X 11.7″) 100% Cellulose The cutest sticker yet Prices I paid for the pack 35$ (around 145 PLN) plus 15$ for shipping (~62,5 PLN) and 40 PLN (around 10$) for customs fees. Altogether it was 60$/245,5 PLN. Let’s see what’s the actual cost of the items inside the package then. Copic Sketch markers x 5 – MSRP: $7.99 each / 32,61…
Paletteful Packs – November 2021
When I’m writing this it’s already December and the December Paletteful Packs have been shipped, so I have to be relatively quick with the blog post. Fortunately shipping the Packs from USA to Poland takes about two weeks, so I don’t need to rush it too much 😀 What is Paletteful Packs?ContentsPricesSuppliesPrompts Contents At the moment the contents on the website list the December Pack’s contents but I copied them along with their stated prices so I can compare them to Polish prices if they’re available 🙂 Standard Series Acrylics General Selection Set 6 × 20 ml POSCA Paint Marker, Extra-Fine Bullet – Violet Winsor Newton Fineliners 0.5 fineliner in Cool Grey Robert Simmons Sapphire Sable-Synthetic Blend Brush Art Alternatives Artist Palette Knife Art Alternatives Stretched Canvas – 8″ x 10″ Crescent Canvas Textured Boards 3pk – 8″ x 10″ Paletteful Packs Pouch – Free Gift! Anniversary sticker Prices I…
Paletteful Packs – October 2021
Wait, it’s almost December and you’re writing about the October pack? Well, yes. I ordered the pack in September, it needs around 2 weeks to arrive in Poland and it got stuck in Warsaw’s airport for a month… But, it finally arrived! But, first things first. What is Paletteful Packs? Contents Prices Supplies Prompts Contents Sadly, because the package I received was delayed I don’t have access to the original October Pack content listing, but of course I’m going to tell you what I found in the box 🙂 Tombow Dual Brush Blue Blendables set (6 pens) Tombow Blending Kit Winsor & Newton 0.1 Fineliner in Indigo Blue (x2) Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pens Strathmore Toned Blue Mixed Media paper pad (6×8 in., 15 sheets) White Sakura Gelly Roll 10 pen A cute blue sticker Prices I paid for the pack 35$ (around 145 PLN) plus 15$ for shipping (~62,5 PLN)…
Promem do Szwecji
Hej! Tym razem wpis po polsku, ekskluzywnie, gdyż, no cóż, angielska wersja tego wpisu raczej nikomu by się nie przydała. A wpis jest o podróży promem z Gdyni do Karlskrony. Dlaczego taki temat, niezwiązany zupełnie ze sztuką ani z grami? Ponieważ odbyłam tę podróż na ten moment dwa razy (oraz dwa razy w drugą stronę), więc już mniej-wiecej wiem co i jak, jednak za pierwszym razem mocno się stresowałam, miałam pewne problemy w poszczególnych etapach podróży i chciałabym wtedy wiedzieć to, co wiem teraz. Robiąc research przed moim pierwszym rejsem udało mi się w sieci znaleźć tylko jeden artykuł na czyimś blogu dotyczący podróży promem Gdynia-Karlskrona i podający jakiekolwiek przydatne detale. “W praniu” jednak okazało się, że tamtem wpis, mimo, że bardzo ciekawy i opisujący część rzeczy, które mnie interesowały, nie dał mi wszystkich potrzebnych informacji, które wtedy bardzo by mi się przydały np. jak konkretnie dojechać do promu, czy…
Bless Unleashed – launching the game saga
Admit it, you didn’t expect me to write a blog post about a game at this point. Especially not about Bless. I used to write about Bless. Back then it was a (slightly) different game named Bless Online and we all know what happened with it (it closed, I didn’t get my money back). But Neowiz being the greedy people they are, after closing Bless Online (the game that, in my opinion, wasn’t that bad, actually! Unfinished, unpolished, needed more work, but not bad!) on PC they released a console version and guess what! After a few years, they ported the console version to PC! I mean, seeing what Bethesda is doing with Skyrim and Neowiz releasing various versions of Bless over and over, I don’t think I’ll be surprised about any game re-release anymore. You’d think that with Neowiz’s history barely anyone would play the new iteration of Bless.…