Paletteful Packs – February 2022
What is Paletteful Packs?ContentsPricesSuppliesPrompts Contents Marabu Graphix Metallic and Pearlescent Aqua Inks (9 colors) Pentel Dual Metallic Brush Pen Princeton Artiste Select Brush Art Alternatives Pigment Liner Marabu Graphix Aqua Paper A cute sticker Prices I paid for the pack 35$ (around 145 PLN) plus 15$ for shipping (~62,5 PLN) and 40 PLN (around 10$) for customs fees. Altogether it was 60$/245,5 PLN. Let’s see what’s the actual cost of the items inside the package. Marabu Graphix Metallic and Pearlescent Aqua Inks (9 colors) MSRP: $29.61 / 126,17 PLN. The Metallic and Pearlescent Inks aren’t available in Poland (they’re probably too new product 🙂 ). A pack of non-metallic Marabu inks is available HERE on ArtEquipment. It’s a set of 6 inks that costs 43 PLN which would make 64,50 PLN / $15.14 for 9 pieces. The Metallic inks might be indeed more expensive though, so for the set I’ll assume…
Acrylic painting: Pondering Fairy (process)
Hello everyone, in today’s blog post I’d like to show you the process of creating my recent Pondering Fairy painting 🙂 First of all, it was made using November 2021 Paletteful Packs supplies – you can read more about them here. The tools I used: Standard Series Acrylics General Selection Set 6 × 20 ml POSCA Paint Marker, Extra-Fine Bullet – Violet Robert Simmons Sapphire Sable-Synthetic Blend Brush Art Alternatives Artist Palette Knife Crescent Canvas Textured Boards – 8″ x 10″ I started the process by looking for inspiration – I googled fairies and fairy aesthetics. I really wanted some iridescent and close to transparent looking wings, so googled those too. I noticed fairies often are surrounded by toadstools and I found some beautiful pictures of them that gave me an idea about the colours and general setting of the image. What was left to figure out was a pose for the fairy and…
Same owl – now with acrylics!
I’m continuing the experiment with colouring my cute owl with 3 different kinds of traditional “wet” media. In the last post I showed the stages of watercolours that I’ve done first, as I was suggested to do in a comment under my Facebook post. Since to do the markers version I need several more colours than I have (fortunately, they are on their way already!) – this time I’ve coloured the owl with acrylics. Even though I’m very used to acrylics – I paint with them very often – this was actually a double experiment for me, because this was the first time I’ve used acrylic paints on paper rather than on canvas and additionally, I didn’t use my usual paints, but completely different, professional ones that I bought to participate in Royal Talens’s international competition. It’s always good to know your media before you start creating something ambitious and time-consuming with…
Ulchabhan! …but with watercolours
My little owl I’ve drawn to help me learn Irish was featured on Ko-fi’s art highlights and it made my evening! I felt and still feel very honoured and appreciated, especially since the art there is hand-picked, not based on likes or popularity. To think someone went to see my work and decided it was worthy of being FEATURED… I still can’t believe it, I’m so grateful, thank you, Ko-fi! I drew that owl, Ulchabhan, to help me learning Irish but then I thought, Owl is a symbol of wisdom, so why not go a step further – with help of my little feathered companion I could also learn other art techniques and media. With the assistance of my awesome lightbox (If you’ve ever considered buying one – just do it, it’s so helpful!) on 3 various kinds of paper, I’ve made 3 sketches based on my original lineart. This…
Acrylic painting: Little Sisters (WIP + finished version)
I was posting some WIP photos of my newest acrylics work on my social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for a while and now I’m very proud to say I finished the painting with two cute little girls (that are my work colleague’s daughters). I did work on it for quite a lot and I had a lot of fun with the painting but I’m happy it’s finally finished and I can move on to the next paintings WIP photos of which you can also expect to be posted on this blog in… a while 😀 For the time being please check the below progress shots of the little girls painting and the finished painting you can see in my Gallery. Details:
Painting videos!
Hi everyone! After struggling a lot with a gooseneck camera stand to record my painting progress I recently did some research and decided I needed something else to record painting easily. I finally got a new stand and I have to say it was a good idea. There are definitely better stands and setups out there, but for now what I have is enough. Using this new stand is how I managed to record a new painting video without any problems. Unfortunately, my uploading speed is still an issue so I had to speed the video up, but since I’ve already recorded it I also decided to add a voiceover this time! And someone asked me on my Fanpage to explain about what are the hardest parts of the painting process for me so that’s what I talked about in this latest video. Anyway, the good news is – now I…