Same owl – now with acrylics!
I’m continuing the experiment with colouring my cute owl with 3 different kinds of traditional “wet” media. In the last post I showed the stages of watercolours that I’ve done first, as I was suggested to do in a comment under my Facebook post. Since to do the markers version I need several more colours than I have (fortunately, they are on their way already!) – this time I’ve coloured the owl with acrylics. Even though I’m very used to acrylics – I paint with them very often – this was actually a double experiment for me, because this was the first time I’ve used acrylic paints on paper rather than on canvas and additionally, I didn’t use my usual paints, but completely different, professional ones that I bought to participate in Royal Talens’s international competition. It’s always good to know your media before you start creating something ambitious and time-consuming with…
Ulchabhan! …but with watercolours
My little owl I’ve drawn to help me learn Irish was featured on Ko-fi’s art highlights and it made my evening! I felt and still feel very honoured and appreciated, especially since the art there is hand-picked, not based on likes or popularity. To think someone went to see my work and decided it was worthy of being FEATURED… I still can’t believe it, I’m so grateful, thank you, Ko-fi! I drew that owl, Ulchabhan, to help me learning Irish but then I thought, Owl is a symbol of wisdom, so why not go a step further – with help of my little feathered companion I could also learn other art techniques and media. With the assistance of my awesome lightbox (If you’ve ever considered buying one – just do it, it’s so helpful!) on 3 various kinds of paper, I’ve made 3 sketches based on my original lineart. This…
Ulchabhan! …ale akwarelowy
Moja mała sówka, którą narysowałam, żeby pomagała mi uczyć się języka irlandzkiego została wyróżniona przez Ko-fi, co poprawiło mi nastrój na cały wieczór! Poczułam się, i nadal czuję, bardzo doceniona i zaszczycona, szczególnie że prace tam są ręcznie wybierane, a wybór nie jest uzależniony od “lajków” czy popularności. Myśl, że ktoś zobaczył moją pracę i uznał, że jest warta wyróżnienia… Wciąż nie mogę w to uwierzyć. Jestem bardzo wdzięczna, dziękuje, Ko-fi! Jak wspomniałam, narysowałam tę sówkę, Ulchabhana, żeby mi pomagała w nauce irlandzkiego, ale pomyślałam, że skoro sowa jest symbolem mądrości, czemu nie pójść o krok dalej i z pomocą mojego pierzastego przyjaciela mogłabym się nauczyć nowych technik i mediów malarsko-rysowniczych. Z pomocą mojej fantastycznej podświetlarki (jeśli kiedykolwiek zastanwialiścię się nad nabyciem takowej, innymi słowy light boxa, zdecydowanie polecam, jest niesamowicie pomocna) naszkicowałam na 3 różnych rodzajach papieru sówkę na podstawie mojego oryginalnego, cyfrowego lineartu. Tym sposobem mogłam też od razu…
Test palet papierowych Phoenix
Tak jak przypuszczałam, moja paleta Mijello straciła właściwość łatwego odrywania farb po jakimś czasie, a ponieważ nie lubię tracić czasu ani paznokci na zdrapywaniu farb z palety, wróciłam do swojego “budżetowego” ustawienia (podkładka z klipsem + biała kartka papieru + kalka kreślarska) na czas poszukiwania nowej palety. Próbowałam kiedyś używać małych, okrągłych palet papierowych (tych w tradycyjnym kształcie palety, z wycięciem na palec) ale po kilku próbach okazało się jednak, że były dla mnie za małe (rozmiar ma znaczenie! 😉 ). Muszę jednak przyznać, że generalnie podobał mi się pomysł łatwego czyszczenia palety (przez oderwanie wierzchniego arkusza), więc pomyślałam, że mogłabym spróbować czegoś podobnego, ale w rozmiarze palety, do którego jestem przyzwyczajona, czyli prostokąt w formacie A3. Ponieważ wpadłam ostatnio w szał zakupowy w temacie artykułów plastycznych, dodałam do koszyka między innymi nową paletę, żeby ją w przyszłości przetestować. Po porównaniu cen i rozmiarów mój wybór padł na papierową paletę…
Testing Phoenix Artist’s Palette
As expected, my Mijello palette lost its easy peel-off feature after a while, and because I don’t want to waste my time neither on scratching the paint off it nor on destroying my poor nails while doing it, recently I came back to my old “budget” setting (clipboard + white piece of paper + tracing paper) while looking for a new palette. I tried a small round paper palette earlier but after giving it a few tries I realized it’s just too small for me (size matters! 😉 ). I have to admit though I generally liked the idea of the easy cleaning (you just tear off the top sheet!) palette so I thought I could try out something similar but more matching the kind of palettes I’m used to, so rectangle and A3 size. Since I was on an art supplies buying spree recently I decided to also add…
Pencil eraser or Eraser pencil?
So what’s the difference between a pencil eraser and eraser pencil?Well, one is an eraser and the other one is… also an eraser. Just in a pencil form. And it’s pretty awesome! I bought one a while ago but never really used it seriously, only to test it out. But now as I’m trying to delve more into mixed media traditional art I needed to make a sketch and that’s when I discovered this awesomeness. The eraser (in) pencil I have is the simplest possible Koh-I-Noor Era eraser which it’s super cheap and, surprisingly, super good. It erases pencils really well and is extremely handy when you have to erase only a small detail and your regular big eraser would mess up the other details around. You may say it’s a special task eraser for demanding. I really have no words to express how much I’m in love with this…
Escaping into art
Warning: long post ahead!
ESO Morrowind Celebration
Jump to the Celebration guide. Finally, my long awaited Morrowind Celebration event has started in ESO! But, first things first. What even is Morrowind? In Tamriel, the Elder Scrolls Online playable continent, Morrowind is Dark Elves’ land. It consists mostly of 2 parts: big volcano island, Vvardenfell, and its surrounding part of Tamriel’s mainland. If you want to learn more about Morrowind’s geography, history and culture you can check this link. Unfortunately, only small bits or Morrowind were open to play in base game ESO, bu twith the first big The Elder Scrolls Online expansion (“chapter”) named after the whole land, Morrowind, Vvardenfell was added to the game. This is the expansion that you can buy with a discount during the Celebration event. The Chapter I can admit without any shame that Vvardenfell is, as for now, my most favourite zone in the Elder Scrolls Online. It’s not your standard MMO…
ESO Elsweyr and more coming in 2019!
Yes, you read it correct! Elsweyr, the homeland of The Elder Scrolls’ universe’s cat folk, is coming to ESO June 4th. And with Elsweyr – DRAGONS (or, technically, wyverns as the creatures we were shown have 2 legs and a pair of wings, but it’s still something). As Bethesda and Zenimax announced – the new story arc will be presented in pieces throughout the whole year and therefore the year 2019 is called The Season of The Dragon. I’ve already mentioned that I absolutely love The Elder Scrolls Online cinematic trailers and it’s the same case with the newest Cinematic Announce Trailer we got for Elsweyr. I still remember watching it during the chapter announcement Livestream and the moment Abnur Tharn appeared – I, and many others, was convinced for a moment this time it’s an actor in the trailer, not CG. I could also talk a lot about how I love the details…
ESO New Life Festival
Oh wow, it’s past the middle of December already! Do you know what it means? That everyone is probably contemplating what they have and haven’t achieved during the passing year but also that… ‘Tis the season of Christmas events in MMOs! 😀 For The Elder Scrolls Online it’s New Life Festival that lasts for almost 3 weeks (it’s started a while ago and ends January 2nd). Unfortunately I couldn’t play ESO last year during the event, but now I had some time to get to know the Festival and… by now it’s the most entertaining ESO event for me. It doesn’t only have a LOT of fun activities but there are also great rewards every day (you can get up to 200 loot boxes) and 14 achievements to unlock! These things are really important to me – that’s why I loved Rift’s Fae Yule and that’s why now I love ESO’s…