2022 art summary
Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing fine!
I’ve been away for a while but I think this post will mark my comeback to the blog because it breaks my “Wall of awful”.
We’re nearing winter break so this is a good time for summaries.
A lot has happened in my life this year and some things still are happening. I quit my job (technically it was last year, but my notice lasted until the end of February 2022), got some new skills and learned a new language (Jag kan nu tala lite Svenska!). At the moment I’m looking for a new job, so wish me luck because, hopefully, I’m on a good way to getting a great one!
I’m one year older, and although I don’t feel this way, I definitely feel one level higher and it seems I got several points to Wisdom (from events that happened throughout the year), Charisma (from better planning skills and believing in myself) and Constitution (from working out).
Art-wise I also learned new things. I worked a lot with many various art supplies that I got from Paletteful Packs but also I improved my process of painting with acrylics, learned new tricks and techniques for using the paints and figured out how to prepare good reference images.
Evidently, it was a traditional media year for me – most of my finished artwork this year is traditional. In the gallery below I gathered some of my finished works from 2022 (in random order), and, as you can see, only the portrait is digital, the rest is drawn and painted with varied but traditional media.

I’ll tell you more about my plans for the next year in my January blog post but definitely I need to review these FOUR overdue Paletteful Packs boxes stacking in my room before their number gets to fourteen 😀 Other than that I do have some professional, artistic and personal plans but for now, I can’t talk too much about them.
What I can do now is wish you all a great time, whatever you celebrate, and a happy New Year! See you all in 2023!