New finished works!
Well, to be honest, only one of these works is new, but they are both new to the gallery.
First a portrait I painted last year and for some reason, I completely forgot about it, so I never uploaded it to my gallery. This commission was quite a challenge because the reference photo I got was tiny – it had a size of those small photos you put in your official documents like IDs or passports. And the requested size of the painting was, if I’m not mistaken, about 30×40 cm. So as you can imagine I had to enlarge the image quite a lot. It was still fun though and I really like it how it came out, especially the skin colour.
Of course, it’s not perfect, but then I didn’t have a really detailed photo to work with and also my canvas wasn’t really big. Fortunately, the commissioner was super happy with the results 🙂
Another update in the gallery is my newest finished work, an old fanart which I completely reworked just this week and it helped me to realize how huge progress I made in several years and how proud and grateful I am of it.

And that’s it for now but I’m working hard on more digital and traditional paintings, so stay tuned.
Additionally, you may watch me on DeviantArt which I recently reactivated and on my newly created account on ArtStation. All the other places: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram remain unchanged 🙂