• Life/Announcements,  Work in Progress

    Long time no see

    Sooo… I’ve been artistically inactive lately. For a long time. There were multiple reasons for that but I think some of the reasons are slowly going away and therefore my inspiration is also slowly coming back. During my hiatus, I got myself a display tablet after years of dreaming about one and I’m impressed with how much easier life (as in: digital art) is now. It’s much more intuitive and less tiring than using a regular (non-display) graphic tablet since the brain doesn’t have to perform the circus trick that is processing drawing the thing in one place and seeing the result in the other.  I do recommend getting a display tablet to everyone who can and is considering it. It makes a huge difference. One of the things that helped me get inspired once again was my discovery of a very interesting website. What you do there is merge…

  • Work in Progress

    Acrylic painting: Little Sisters (WIP + finished version)

    I was posting some WIP photos of my newest acrylics work on my social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for a while and now I’m very proud to say I finished the painting with two cute little girls (that are my work colleague’s daughters). I did work on it for quite a lot and I had a lot of fun with the painting but I’m happy it’s finally finished and I can move on to the next paintings WIP photos of which you can also expect to be posted on this blog in… a while 😀 For the time being please check the below progress shots of the little girls painting and the finished painting you can see in my Gallery.   Details:

  • Art stuff

    New finished works!

    Well, to be honest, only one of these works is new, but they are both new to the gallery. First a portrait I painted last year and for some reason, I completely forgot about it, so I never uploaded it to my gallery. This commission was quite a challenge because the reference photo I got was tiny – it had a size of those small photos you put in your official documents like IDs or passports. And the requested size of the painting was, if I’m not mistaken, about 30×40 cm. So as you can imagine I had to enlarge the image quite a lot. It was still fun though and I really like it how it came out, especially the skin colour. Of course, it’s not perfect, but then I didn’t have a really detailed photo to work with and also my canvas wasn’t really big. Fortunately, the commissioner was…