• Gaming

    Bless Unleashed – launching the game saga

    Admit it, you didn’t expect me to write a blog post about a game at this point. Especially not about Bless. I used to write about Bless. Back then it was a (slightly) different game named Bless Online and we all know what happened with it (it closed, I didn’t get my money back). But Neowiz being the greedy people they are, after closing Bless Online (the game that, in my opinion, wasn’t that bad, actually! Unfinished, unpolished, needed more work, but not bad!) on PC they released a console version and guess what! After a few years, they ported the console version to PC! I mean, seeing what Bethesda is doing with Skyrim and Neowiz releasing various versions of Bless over and over, I don’t think I’ll be surprised about any game re-release anymore. You’d think that with Neowiz’s history barely anyone would play the new iteration of Bless.…

  • Gaming

    ESO Morrowind Celebration

    Jump to the Celebration guide. Finally, my long awaited Morrowind Celebration event has started in ESO! But, first things first. What even is Morrowind?   In Tamriel, the Elder Scrolls Online playable continent, Morrowind is Dark Elves’ land. It consists mostly of 2 parts: big volcano island, Vvardenfell, and its surrounding part of Tamriel’s mainland. If you want to learn more about Morrowind’s geography, history and culture you can check this link. Unfortunately, only small bits or Morrowind were open to play in base game ESO, bu twith the first big The Elder Scrolls Online expansion (“chapter”) named after the whole land, Morrowind, Vvardenfell was added to the game. This is the expansion that you can buy with a discount during the Celebration event. The Chapter I can admit without any shame that Vvardenfell is, as for now, my most favourite zone in the Elder Scrolls Online. It’s not your standard MMO…

  • Gaming

    ESO Elsweyr and more coming in 2019!

    Yes, you read it correct! Elsweyr, the homeland of The Elder Scrolls’ universe’s cat folk, is coming to ESO June 4th. And with Elsweyr – DRAGONS (or, technically, wyverns as the creatures we were shown have 2 legs and a pair of wings, but it’s still something). As Bethesda and Zenimax announced – the new story arc will be presented in pieces throughout the whole year and therefore the year 2019 is called The Season of The Dragon. I’ve already mentioned that I absolutely love The Elder Scrolls Online cinematic trailers and it’s the same case with the newest Cinematic Announce Trailer we got for Elsweyr. I still remember watching it during the chapter announcement Livestream and the moment Abnur Tharn appeared – I, and many others, was convinced for a moment this time it’s an actor in the trailer, not CG. I could also talk a lot about how I love the details…

  • Gaming

    ESO New Life Festival

    Oh wow, it’s past the middle of December already! Do you know what it means? That everyone is probably contemplating what they have and haven’t achieved during the passing year but also that… ‘Tis the season of Christmas events in MMOs! 😀 For The Elder Scrolls Online it’s New Life Festival that lasts for almost 3 weeks (it’s started a while ago and ends January 2nd). Unfortunately I couldn’t play ESO last year during the event, but now I had some time to get to know the Festival and… by now it’s the most entertaining ESO event for me. It doesn’t only have a LOT of fun activities but there are also great rewards every day (you can get up to 200 loot boxes) and 14 achievements to unlock! These things are really important to me – that’s why I loved Rift’s Fae Yule and that’s why now I love ESO’s…

  • Gaming

    ESO Morrowind, Free Crates

    Hi everyone, long time no see! Due to, well… life, I’m less active here on the blog but I’m still alive, more or less, so yay! I did have a long-ish time of almost no gaming though, because I highly focused on art a while ago, but now I’m kind of doing the opposite so a lot of gaming and recently I saw and experienced something that made me come back here like OHMYGOD I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT IT! And this thing was… yes, Morrowind expansion of Elder Scrolls Online. First of all, every time I talk about any RPG game, be it single player or MMO, I mention how it is important for me to make a believable, lore friendly and  interesting (at least for me!) story for my character. I need to know not only who the character is and becomes throughout the game, but also, who they…

  • Gaming

    Crafting in ESO

    I haven’t written about The Elder Scrolls Online for a while now so it’s about time for a new ESO post! And in this episode it’s… Crafting! I always loved crafting in games and knowing myself – I always will. In Elder Scrolls Online crafting is enjoyable in my opinion. The common crafting items are pretty easy to obtain and cheap if you choose to buy them. Luck factor is only important while deconstructing items or improving them (only unless you have enough improvement items to make the chance of improvement go up to 100%). Very helpful in ESO crafting is having a subscription (called ESO Plus) active – it gives you a special bottomless crafting bag in your inventory and increases your bank slots (and housing chests) capacity by 100%. Tip 1: you don’t have to manually move crafting items already stored somewhere else to your inventory crafting bag…

  • Gaming

    Rocky Road to… Bless

    Last Monday the Bless Online Advanced Access (for Founder’s Packs owners) went live and on Wednesday the actual Early Access has started on Steam, too. And… unfortunately, both of the launches were rocky. Very rocky in fact. Of course, the problems have started when massive amounts of players tried to log in, create characters and play, all at the same time. Things didn’t go much better when Bless Early Access didn’t start out as intended either, because the base game was locked for buying on Steam for a while. But, most of these things – disconnections, server crashes and restarts were to expect and people who are getting mad because of them aren’t entirely right in my opinion. What is true though, Neowiz tried to handle the problems in an unusual way. New servers were added, yes, but also some of the already existing ones were (temporarily) closed for creating new characters, so…

  • Gaming

    Bless taming feature & Founder’s Packs trailer

    Bless Early Access and Advanced Access are almost here and as many players are eagerly waiting for the launch – the game’s devs gave us some small updates and reminders of what we will see in the game. The first official news update we got this week was a blog post about taming feature. The official post isn’t very informative in my opinion but I guess since the launch is very close – everyone will learn the details “in action”. Even so – I think that if we actually got an update about this matter then it should contain all the important details about it, not just general informations. Anyway, in Bless we will be able to tame most of the creatures in all the zones. The taming feature will give us a chance to turn those creatures either into mounts or into pets (which will not only be cosmetic companions but…

  • Gaming

    Bless Q&A and an open letter to the Community

    How is it possible it’s Sunday already? Where did the rest of the week go? Hey everyone, it’s been a pretty nice week for me, what about you? I still can’t really find my place after I finished playing Mass Effect Andromeda (and watching Gotham) but the developers never sleep… or do they? Not long ago we got announcements of Bless Emissaries, the game prices and… existence of a subscription in the game. This week Neowiz has shown again that they not only monitor the community’s reactions for the announcements but they also listen to the players’ voice. During the passing week Bless developer posted two important updates on the internet. The first one was a “Q&A” post that addressed many game-related questions and issues that last updates and press conference brought. The Questions and answers that I personally found the most interesting are below. Q: How does pricing work…

  • Gaming

    Bless updates!

    We finally got some solid news about Bless Steam launch – the dates, the prices of both the game AND founder packs, but also the first wave of Emissaries was announced. Congrats everyone! The chosen Emissaries were divided into 3 categories. Creators from the first one were awarded for their work towards popularizing the game with invitation to the first official Bless press conference on which the game was presented to the participants, as well as the important news such as the base game price and founder packs pricing were announced. Two other categories were Bless Content Creators and Bless Community Leaders. The list of the Emissaries you can find on official Bless website and below under “Show more” button (be warned, there is 96 people + press conference attendees names there!) [bg_collapse view=”link” color=”#ab2e83″ expand_text=”Show More” collapse_text=”Show Less” icon=”arrow” ]   Bless Online Preview Event Participants (press conference) Twitch/Youtube ID…