• Life/Announcements,  Życie/Ogłoszenia

    Changes / Zmiany

    Hello everyone! I finally figured out how to manage both the blog and Ko-fi – the solution was inspired by a person I recently met at work and who also happened to create stuff and blog about many things. So, since I don’t have many viewers here anyway and I’d like to write in English AND in Polish but I don’t want to keep both versions here, I decided that here my posts are going to be in Polish and the English version I’ll post on my Ko-fi page 🙂 In the near future I’ll also update the website so it matches the idea. I hope it will work out! Thank you for your understanding and hopefully see you on Ko-fi! Cześć wszystkim! Udało mi się wreszcie wymyślić jak ogarnąć i bloga i Ko-fi – rozwiązanie zainspirowała nowopoznana osoba z pracy, która, jak się okazało, też tworzy i pisze bloga.…

  • Life/Announcements,  Work in Progress

    Long time no see

    Sooo… I’ve been artistically inactive lately. For a long time. There were multiple reasons for that but I think some of the reasons are slowly going away and therefore my inspiration is also slowly coming back. During my hiatus, I got myself a display tablet after years of dreaming about one and I’m impressed with how much easier life (as in: digital art) is now. It’s much more intuitive and less tiring than using a regular (non-display) graphic tablet since the brain doesn’t have to perform the circus trick that is processing drawing the thing in one place and seeing the result in the other.  I do recommend getting a display tablet to everyone who can and is considering it. It makes a huge difference. One of the things that helped me get inspired once again was my discovery of a very interesting website. What you do there is merge…

  • Gaming,  Life/Announcements

    Alive + HOTS

    Hi everyone! In case anyone was wondering – yes, I’m alive. I had to disappear for a while to take a break from several places I was active at to rethink stuff and gather my power for further activities. I have more time now and I got my strength back, so – here I am! 🙂 I decided to uninstall Bless Online, so, for now, there won’t be new posts concerning this game unless you guys want me to let you know about news and updates in the game, but I still won’t be playing it at the moment, so I won’t be able to discuss their actual impact on the gameplay. I still have ESO installed and Defiance 2050 is actually really fun so I may post my thoughts on them, as well as news and thoughts about my old love – Heroes of the Storm. It’s a MOBA game,…