• Gaming

    Bless classes news + Contest results!

    In the last several updates Bless developer focused on exposing classes that will be available to play with the game’s launch. You can find more general informations about the classes, lore and the game itself on Bless Wiki. The first class update we got were animated class posters. Unfortunately the videos are currently unavailable to watch since Bless YouTube channel is experiencing some problems (the developer assures everyone that it will not affect the game’s release and the YouTube problem is under investigation). We still have some pretty still images for now and with Dev Talk #04 we got actual combat previews for every class! To keep the post shorter I hid the videos under “Show more” buttons. [full_width] Berserker (warrior) A typical warrior class wielding a two-handed axe. An interesting twist to the class is Bless’ combat feature: stances. In Berserker’s case one stance will be more defensive, letting…

  • Work in Progress

    Acrylic painting: Wolf (WIP #02)

    Another weekend has passed, another painting session has passed as well! But in addition, I got a week off from work soooo I have more time to work paint! And thanks to this I was able to put some work into my newest wolf painting and it’s starting to look nice 🙂 Part 1 | Part 3

  • Gaming

    ESO beta testing #02 + Contest!

    Hello everyone! It might have seemed like I disappeared from here but on the contrary  – I was working on some little project of mine concerning this blog. It’s finished now, but first things first. Besides the mentioned project, as some of you may remember, a while ago I kept fighting with Elder Scrolls Online PTS broken download. And after many troubles I finally managed to not only download The Elder Scrolls Online PTS but it also works (this time)! And I maybe didn’t have much time to play it but so far I loved everything I saw in Summerset. Above is just the login screen that managed to amaze me with its beauty on its own. I also have to admit, I’m a big fan of ESO loading screens art. In fact one of such paintings is currently on my PC’s wallpaper. The Summerset loading screens are truly beautiful…

  • Work in Progress

    Acrylic painting: Wolf (WIP #01)

    Hurray, it’s weekend finally! For me weekend usually means painting. And because my last flower painting is finally finished I got to start a new thing and this time I chose to paint… a wolf! I’ve never painted a wolf yet so I’m very excited about this project because it’s my favourite animal. I didn’t have much time to work on it yet but below you can see some photos of what I managed to do in about 1,5h yesterday. Part 2 | Part 3

  • Gaming

    Bless news + ESO Beta testing #01

    Bless Online news It’s only Thursday and we already got 2 interesting news from Bless Online developer – Neowiz. Several days ago the dev posted a new lore blog post on Steam that explains what are the two factions of the game, what races are allied in each faction and what is the reason of their conflict. As in any good story there is no “goods” and “bads” – there are just two sides of the conflict, each with their reasons – just like in any war. The comments on the factions are varied, even though it seems most people sympathize with Union, the more progressive faction that want to bring changes to hierarchy and social structure to, in their opinion, make world a better place. One particularly interesting comment for me compared Union to Germany in WW2 because of the revolutionary intentions, while Hieron, the Holy Alliance, wants to…

  • Gaming

    Bless Dev Talk #03, ESO Event Extended & more

    During this passing week we got several interesting game news. 4 of them were particularly interesting for me, since they concern the games I either play or intend to play when they are released. And what is even better – they are all good news! Bless Dev Talk #03 Bless Dev team is working hard on making everything ready for the Steam release of the game, but still every once in while they manage to find some time to give us updates on what they are working at and what we can expect from the game. This time, in their third Dev Talk, they focused on some of the biggest changes comparing to the Asian releases of Bless Online. An interesting fact to note is that the news were first “leaked” on official Bless Discord to celebrate over 10.000 members of the channel. In this blog developers explain the main…