• Gaming

    ESO New Life Festival

    Oh wow, it’s past the middle of December already! Do you know what it means? That everyone is probably contemplating what they have and haven’t achieved during the passing year but also that… ‘Tis the season of Christmas events in MMOs! 😀 For The Elder Scrolls Online it’s New Life Festival that lasts for almost 3 weeks (it’s started a while ago and ends January 2nd). Unfortunately I couldn’t play ESO last year during the event, but now I had some time to get to know the Festival and… by now it’s the most entertaining ESO event for me. It doesn’t only have a LOT of fun activities but there are also great rewards every day (you can get up to 200 loot boxes) and 14 achievements to unlock! These things are really important to me – that’s why I loved Rift’s Fae Yule and that’s why now I love ESO’s…

  • Gaming

    Destiny 2 first thoughts

    A while ago Blizzard made Destiny 2 free to download, and I immediately wanted to try it out. The downloading and installing didn’t go smoothly though, as the game weights about 80 GB! I didn’t have enough disk space on my PC at first, so to download Destiny I had to uninstall something else. It hurt me a bit but I temporarily said goodbye to my dear Dragon Age: Inquisition. After 3 days some time, when the download was finally complete I was able to open the game. And it did make a good impression on me. The first thing that I got to experience was music and I have to say I absolutely love Destiny 2 soundtrack. It’s epic and very atmospheric. It’s great to listen to it while playing the game and there’s no way I make a custom background music (what I recently did for ESO). You can listen…

  • Work in Progress

    Acrylic painting: Little Sisters (WIP + finished version)

    I was posting some WIP photos of my newest acrylics work on my social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) for a while and now I’m very proud to say I finished the painting with two cute little girls (that are my work colleague’s daughters). I did work on it for quite a lot and I had a lot of fun with the painting but I’m happy it’s finally finished and I can move on to the next paintings WIP photos of which you can also expect to be posted on this blog in… a while 😀 For the time being please check the below progress shots of the little girls painting and the finished painting you can see in my Gallery.   Details:

  • Gaming

    Games news! Destiny 2, HotS, ESO, Rift

    Destiny 2 for free! Blizzard is offering Destiny 2 for free until November 18 on Battle.NET app! I think it would be a big mistake not to use this opportunity to try it out. If they give something for free – take it, you don’t have to use it immediately after, the important part is that it’s FREE to grab. One of such events (it was Dragon Age: Origins officially offered for free back then) actually got me into gaming so in my opinion if a good game is being given out it may a life changing (gaming is a life style after all) event for someone. I’m currently trying the game out and will share my thoughts about it in a separate post soon 🙂 HotS getting new hero One of the recent Blizzards announcements is a new Heres of the Storm hero – Orphea. And what is completely new about this character – it’s the…

  • Work in Progress

    Painting videos!

    Hi everyone! After struggling a lot with a gooseneck camera stand to record my painting progress I recently did some research and decided I needed something else to record painting easily. I finally got a new stand and I have to say it was a good idea. There are definitely better stands and setups out there, but for now what I have is enough. Using this new stand is how I managed to record a new painting video without any problems. Unfortunately, my uploading speed is still an issue so I had to speed the video up, but since I’ve already recorded it I also decided to add a voiceover this time! And someone asked me on my Fanpage to explain about what are the hardest parts of the painting process for me so that’s what I talked about in this latest video. Anyway, the good news is – now I…

  • Gaming

    ESO Morrowind, Free Crates

    Hi everyone, long time no see! Due to, well… life, I’m less active here on the blog but I’m still alive, more or less, so yay! I did have a long-ish time of almost no gaming though, because I highly focused on art a while ago, but now I’m kind of doing the opposite so a lot of gaming and recently I saw and experienced something that made me come back here like OHMYGOD I HAVE TO WRITE ABOUT IT! And this thing was… yes, Morrowind expansion of Elder Scrolls Online. First of all, every time I talk about any RPG game, be it single player or MMO, I mention how it is important for me to make a believable, lore friendly and  interesting (at least for me!) story for my character. I need to know not only who the character is and becomes throughout the game, but also, who they…