Painting process – Epic horse scene
For those who forgot about me: HI! 😀 For those who were wondering if I’m alive – yes, I’m alive and kicking! Well, barely kicking but very much alive 🙂 My new job takes a lot of my time but it’s incredibly fun and I feel very privileged to be able to work in the AAA gaming industry!
I have to organise myself better though to get some time somehow and, what’s more important, ENERGY, to paint more. In the meantime, I’d like to share with you the process of painting my latest acrylic commission – an epic horse scene!
tools used:
– Cotton canvas A3
– Rembrandt acrylic paints
– Brushes:
- Robert Simmons Sapphire S85 Round 6
- Robert Simmons Sapphire S67 Filbert 8
- Robert Simmons Sapphire S51 Liner 2/0
- Restarohouse 720 0
- Random no-name cheap brush 🙂