Artist-grade Acrylics comparison – Part 1
Liquitex Heavy Body, Winsor & Newton Professional or Golden Heavy Body - which professional acrylics are the best? Let's find out! [part 1]
Revisiting my first paints – a horror story
Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well! I was recently invited to participate in a joint gallery with my past painting group! How cool is that?! I’m very excited about it because I haven’t participated in gallery shows for a long time now! It’s a big honour for me to be invited just like that AND by my past painting instructor! ❤️ To have a decent amount of artworks to hang at the exhibition, I’ve decided to finish two of my old, unfinished paintings that were staring at me every time I passed them (causing remorse). The thing is, the older painting I’ve started in 2019 before I switched to my current, mid-range paints that I actually really like (now I’m using Royal Talens Rembrandt acrylics, back then it was Renesans A’kryl). So, in order to finish the painting properly and make it look consistent, I had to…