• Life/Announcements

    Life Updates & Art Plans for 2024

    Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well and staying creative. It’s been a minute since I last checked in, and I figured it’s about time I filled you in on what’s been happening in my corner of the world. So, let’s rewind to the rollercoaster that was the latter part of 2023. It was a wild ride! Between juggling work, life, and my artistic endeavors, I found myself in a bit of a whirlwind. And as much as I love diving headfirst into my passions, sometimes the intensity can get to be a bit much. That’s when I hit a bit of a wall. I realized I needed to hit pause and give myself some space to breathe. Hence, the radio silence on my end. But, I’m here now, emerging from my cocoon and ready to slowly spread my creative wings once again. During my little hiatus, I’ve had…